Formula 1’s Drive to Survive, a documentary series produced in collaboration with Netflix, launched in the UK in March 2019, with the second and third series following in 2020 and 2021. We worked with Formula 1 understand how the series was instrumental in attracting new viewers to F1 race events.
Formula 1
To support the continued production of the series, Formula 1 needed to quantify the impact of Drive to Survive in converting less engaged F1 viewers to race events.
We combined Netflix viewing data, collected via TRP Codex, with a re-contact survey administered by TRP Surveys asking questions about F1 race viewing habits and level of F1 fan status. This allowed us to link Drive to Survive viewing with F1 race event audiences.
SVOD content tracking, provided by TRP Helix, was integral to our ability to link audiences by title availability and series/episode viewing behaviour.
Our analysis segmented Drive to Survive viewers into segments according to their viewing status along with their level of F1 fandom. We compared the segments in terms of:
- Viewer Profile
- Average number of F1 races watched on TV and in person
- Type and method of viewing F1 TV coverage
- Reason for watching Drive to Survive
- Enjoyment and educational value of Drive to Survive
- Impact of Drive to Survive in pushing new viewers to F1
- Rank of Drive to Survive amongst other Sport Documentaries
Formula 1 used our analysis to quantify the impact of Drive to Survive in boosting awareness of and viewing to F1 race events. We identified the viewing segments most affected which can now be targeted with series and wider brand campaigns. Additional insights were gained from viewer agreement with statements such as ‘gives an insight into F1 that I didn’t have before’ and ‘I’m not an F1 fan but it is compelling to watch’, that were used to further support the argument Drive to Survive draws new audiences to F1 and is therefore a valuable investment.