High quality content identification and metadata are key to unlocking high quality measurement systems. TRP Helix is dedicated to content monitoring – the identification, tracking and harmonisation of content – to feed into measurement systems and support broadcasters with content and rights tracking. It builds on over 15 years of providing the industry with precise metadata and content monitoring services.
Cross-media measurement initiatives are built on the fundamental idea that it is possible to measure audience interaction with an individual piece of content wherever and whenever it appears. TRP Helix offers the underlying data and data structure necessary for this to happen both within a single market and across territories.
TRP Helix combines machine learning, fingerprint technology, automatic recognition, and human expertise to provide an unparalleled depth and breadth of content knowledge to provide high-accuracy content identification, attribution, harmonisation, and tracking. Helix has been developed with the needs of broadcasters, measurement agencies, content producers, and regulators in mind. Content is identified and classified, linked to previous instances, and assigned a single Master Content ID. With hierarchical content links, an individual asset, whether a film, television programme, promo, or advertising spot, can be accurately categorised, with metadata such as production data, country of origin, and genre applied consistently and correctly.
For audience measurement agencies, TRP Helix offers complete cross-platform metadata for linear and digital content, including both programmes and advertisements. Where broadcasters may be unable to provide harmonised metadata, effectively breaking the chain of cross-media measurement of shared content, Helix offers external verification and harmonisation. This allows agencies to release measurement data that accurately links content wherever and whenever it has been consumed or been made available to audiences.